Does Wisdom Teeth Pain Go Away?

24 / 04 / 2024

Experiencing wisdom tooth pain can be not only uncomfortable but also worrisome. Many people find themselves asking, “Does wisdom teeth pain go away on its own, or do I need to see a dentist?”

This article delves into the causes of wisdom tooth pain, how it can fluctuate, and effective methods to alleviate it, ensuring you’re well-informed about how to manage this common dental issue.

Understanding Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the final set of teeth to develop and erupt, typically appearing in the late teens to early twenties. While not everyone has wisdom teeth, those who do might experience a range of symptoms as these teeth break through the gums, often because there isn’t enough room in the mouth to accommodate them. This can also lead to teeth, including the surrounding teeth, being pushed out of alignment.

Why Does Wisdom Tooth Pain Come and Go?

The intermittent nature of wisdom tooth pain is due to several factors. It might be sharp and intense if the tooth disrupts the surrounding teeth or gum tissue or mild and persistent if the tooth is partially erupted. Such growing pains are common and can cause confusion over whether to seek dental intervention or wait for the pain to subside on its own.

Quick Relief for Wisdom Tooth Pain

Temporary relief from wisdom tooth pain can be achieved at home, although these solutions do not provide a long-term fix. Home remedies, such as applying clove oil to the affected area, can offer quick relief due to its numbing effect and natural anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, a saltwater rinse—a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup of warm water—used several times a day can reduce swelling and soothe swollen gums.

Does the pain go away on its own?

There are many cases when you can let wisdom tooth pain go away on its own. However, if the pain is severe or the wisdom tooth/teeth are badly positioned or damaged, it’s highly recommended that you seek treatment.

Does Wisdom Tooth Pain Go Away Permanently?

For some individuals, wisdom tooth pain may lessen temporarily as the tooth finishes breaking through the gums. However, if the tooth becomes impacted—stuck and unable to fully erupt—or leads to infection, the pain can become chronic and increasingly severe. This type of tooth decay and gum disease can contribute to ongoing discomfort and other health issues.

How to Make Wisdom Tooth Pain Go Away

The best way to address wisdom tooth pain is through professional dental treatment. Here are several approaches a dentist might suggest:

  • Wisdom Tooth Removal: Often, removing the wisdom tooth is necessary to alleviate pain and prevent future complications such as tooth decay, gum disease, and misalignment of the other teeth. For more information on what to expect from this procedure, visit our Dental wisdom tooth extraction page.
  • Numbing Gel: Before procedures, dentists might apply a numbing gel to the gums to reduce discomfort, which can help manage the pain during the initial stages of treatment.
  • Orthodontics: If wisdom teeth are causing crowding or affecting the alignment of the surrounding teeth, orthodontic treatments like Traditional braces or Invisalign may be recommended to correct these issues effectively. However, our dentists would first advise wisdom tooth extraction before the emerging tooth disrupts alignment.
  • Preventative Care: Regular dental check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene can preempt complications from wisdom teeth, such as cavities, before they arise. Remember to continue to maintain a good oral hygiene routine even as your wisdom teeth emerge. Learn more about preventative measures on our Preventative care page.

When to Seek Professional Help

Consult a dentist if you experience any of the following symptoms, as they could indicate serious conditions requiring immediate attention:

  • Persistent, severe pain and swelling
  • Difficulty opening your mouth
  • Signs of infection, such as fever, pus, or swollen lymph nodes

These symptoms may suggest an impacted tooth or infection that could lead to more severe health problems if untreated.


While occasional mild wisdom tooth pain might resolve on its own, persistent or severe pain should not be ignored. Addressing the underlying cause of the pain with the help of a dental professional is crucial to maintaining your oral health. At Big Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing comprehensive care to manage and relieve wisdom tooth pain effectively.

For more information contact us today or make a booking. We offer a range of dental services designed to ensure the health and beauty of your teeth and gums. Let us help you achieve and maintain a healthy, pain-free smile with our expert dental care.